Latin America Day held at University
The Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication and the International Friendship Club hosted a big concert on 24 May.
An interactive exhibition was organized by students in the foyer of UNICS, the University’s concert and arts center, for the guests. Vice-Rector for International Affairs Timirkhan Alishev toured the exhibition.
At the exhibition, students familiarized everyone with the culture of Latin American countries and served national dishes. Guacamole and tacos were served as appetizers. The stand with Ecuadorian chocolate attracted special attention. Ecuador is considered to be the birthplace of chocolate, and it was the Ecuadorians who first started to collect the fruit of the cacao tree and eat it about 5 thousand years ago.
In addition, each guest could participate in activities – to identify the name of the country by its flag or national currency, to take a pic of themselves at the thematic photo zone, or to listen to Latin American music.
The atmosphere of the Brazilian carnival continued at the gala concert.
“I know how energetic and talented are the people of Latin America. All over the world people study the music and dance traditions of Latin America, and many people like them, at least I do,” mentioned Dr Alishev.
The Vice-Rector commended the students for their difficult but correct decision to come to study in Russia. He also emphasized that most of them confidently speak Russian.
“You will be excellent specialists and your main task will be to develop relations between Latin American countries and Russia,” the Vice-Rector added.
He then awarded letters of gratitude to the organizers of the event, as well as prize winners of the soccer and volleyball tournament among students from Latin American countries of Kazan universities – they received diplomas, medals and cups.
The concert’s plot revolved around two friends – Pancho and Ruso – who travel to Latin American countries, where locals introduce them to the local culture through creativity. For example, students from Ecuador performed a lyrical guitar number. A performance of Peruvian rock was also very memorable.
Ivan Acosta, a sophomore year student of the Institute of Physics, presented a lyrical song by the famous Mexican musician José José to the audience. The student, a native of Mexico City, said that he came to Russia not only to study, but also to develop his musical career in violin.
The student added that Russians and his compatriots are united by cordiality and openness. His opinion was shared by Mariana Nondonio, a senior year student of the Institute of International Relations from Colombia. At the exhibition, the young woman organized a booth with information on the dialects of Colombian Spanish. Her fellow countryman Joan Moreno, studying in the sophomore year of the Institute of Management, Economics and Finance, said that he does not currently miss his homeland, as he recently returned from a vacation in Colombia.
“Tatar and Mexican cuisines are similar. We have tortilla with potatoes, and here it’s qystybyi,” said Moreno.
Álefe Aprígio, Lecturer of the Department of European Languages and Cultures of KFU, has been living in Russia for 5 years and plans to apply for Russian citizenship in the autumn of 2024. At KFU, the Brazilian national teaches Spanish and Portuguese and works to promote Latin American culture.
“Here, at the festival, I feel at home. and I am pleased to see my compatriots and realize that Latin America can create such a wonderful atmosphere,” he shared.
Earlier in April, a similar event, the Day of Indonesian Culture, was held at KFU.