The University canteens are spacious halls with many tables and an extremely varied menu. The canteens are located:
- in the main building (18 Kremlyovskaya str., cafe “Loza”)
- in the building of the Institute of Physics (16a Kremlyovskaya str.)
- in the building of the Institute of Economics, Management and Finance (4 Butlerova str.)
- in the second high-rise building (35 Kremlyovskaya str.)
In addition, in each building of the KFU there is a buffet – a small cozy room with a sufficient number of seats. Workers bring in ready-made hot meals from nearby university canteens. In addition to second courses, side dishes and salads, you can buy baked foods here. In KFU’s buffets, you can drink natural grain coffee for any taste, brewed in a coffee machine.