Kazan Federal University

KFU to create language several learning apps for international students

Grant funding of 3.5 million rubles is disbursed by the Ministry of Enlightenment of Russia.

“The apps’ main objective will be to teach Russian reading in a gamified format,” says Darya Ivanova, Chair of the Department of Russian Language of the Preparatory School. “They may be also be used for younger kids, including those from Russian-speaking families living abroad.”

An app for pronunciation training will help students acquire relevant skills and implement self-control. Tests will be offered to tailor the learning trajectory to personal skills and knowledge. The app will have a separate track for syllable stress training – which is usually a significant hindrance for learners of Russian.

As Ivanova emphasizes, a listening app should be very popular because this part of Russian language curriculum usually is especially challenging for new learners.

“The development of the apps will be completed in December 2021, and they’ll be first launched on iOS,” hopes the interviewee.

The projects is co-implemented by the Preparatory School, Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, and Center for the Digital Transformation.


Source text: Alina Minnevalieva

Photo: Alexander Kuznetsov

Translation: Yury Nurmeev

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