Kazan Federal University

KFU students among winners of Tatarstan Student Spring

The cerermony was held on 12 May.

Among the guests were Minister of Youth Affairs of Tatarstan Rinat Sadykov and President of the Tatarstan Student League Shamil Yakupov.

KFU submitted over 150 performances for this year’s awards. 46 KFU collectives and 11 individual performers were commended in vocals, instrumental music, theater, dance, original genre, fashion, media, and video arts. Some of the winners showcased their talents during the award gala.

Furthermore, Kazan University was placed first in general institutional rankings, second in overall university program, and got a special prize in set design.

The Student Spring is organized by Ministry of Youth Affairs of Tatarstan, Tatarstan Student League, and Council of Rectors of Tatarstan.

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