Kazan Federal University

12th International Forum ‘Islam in a Multicultural World’

The conference takes up 29 and 30 September.

For many years, the forum has gathered scholars, statespersons, and clerics in discussions of Islam and inter-religious dialogue in Russia and other countries. In particular, this year is marked by the 1,100th anniversary of the adoption of Islam in Russia (in what was then the medieval khanate of Volga Bulgaria). In 1807, just three years after the establishment of Imperial Kazan University, a department of Eastern languages was opened here – it studied Islam and Muslim cultures among other things.

Among the topics of the current meeting are society and politics in the Middle East and North Africa, Islamic psychology, Turkology and Turkic affairs in Russia, Islamic factor in international security, interactions of secular and religious norms in the Muslim community, and many others. It also includes the 6th Russian Competition in Turkish Language and Culture.

The participants were greeted by First Vice-Rector of KFU Dmitry Tayursky, Vice-Rector for Research of Moscow Islamic Institute Renat Islyamov, Acting Rector of Bolgar Islamic Academy Aynur Timerkhanov, and Rector of Russian Islamic Institute Rafik Mukhametshin.

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