Kazan Federal University

Functioning of future KFU branch in Jizzakh discussed in Uzbekistan

Vice-Rector for International Cooperation Timirkhan Alishev and Counsellor to the Rector Rashit Azimov met with colleagues in Tashkent.

“We had meetings at the Ministry of Higher and Vocational Education of Uzbekistan and discussed important questions of the functioning of our branch in Jizzakh, including financial issues and budgeting. Mutual understanding was reached,” says Vice-Rector Alishev.

The branch, set to be open in the capital of Jizzakh Region in the east of Uzbekistan in September 2022, will provide education in machine industry, geology, IT, economics, languages, medicine, and pharmacy.

“During a meeting with the Governor of Jizzakh Region Ergash Saliev we talked about equipment procurement and major renovations of buildings. There are questions that need further clarification,” adds the Vice-Rector.

He also joined a roundtable with Uzbekistani branches of Russian universities, organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia.

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