Kazan Federal University

Kazan University’s preparatory courses starting in Ankara, Tehran and Cairo

KFU is launching programs in Russian language and other subjects together with local partners.

The format was first introduced last year when Egyptian students learned Russian in Cairo for one semester and then moved to Kazan to take other lessons and pass exams. Two more global cities now join this initiative, and the program has also become more flexible – a student can either arrive in Kazan or take classes on the Studerus online platform.

Vice-Rector for External Affairs Timirkhan Alishev comments, “The development of preparatory faculties is carried out in line with the Concept of Russia’s Humanitarian Policy in Other Countries, recently approved by the President of Russia. The organization of joint preparatory courses is defined as one of the promising forms of promotion of Russian education in the global market of educational services. Of course, from our point of view, it is almost impossible to fully prepare online for admission to Kazan University. Learning a foreign language requires direct contact with a teacher, preferably a native speaker. Therefore, we are initiating the implementation of network programs with our partners in foreign countries to provide full-time support to those people who, for one reason or another, cannot come to Kazan during the preparation for admission.”

The teachers in the three involved cities have completed special training courses by Kazan Federal University. Kazanian educators are always involved in the performance monitoring and hold regular tests for students.

Application is available on the Preparatory School’s website


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