Kazan Federal University

Student Startup winner Dina Nigmetzyanova works on improving properties of dentures

She is one of the winners of the 1-million-ruble grant from the federal government.

Nigmetzyanova cooperates with another master student of the Institute of Engineering, Antwi-Boasiako Williams.

The winner first tackled the subject of titanium dentures a year ago. She uses a Kazan University-made plasma electric oxidation device and collaborates with the Laboratory of Dental Technology of Kazan State Medical University.

The project aims to improve the aesthetics and durability of bar dentures. The first can be achieved through titanium oxidation, which allows for creating a coating with various colors and textures. As for the second, it’s possible with leveling the deformation gradient of materials caused by chewing workload.

When a dentist designs a denture, they first sculpt a jaw model for a prosthesis. After that, the model is scanned and prototyped for a bar denture. The titanium bar is then ground on a milling machine and covered with a plasma coating (the latter is Nigmetzyanova’s unique technique). The bar is then handed over to a dental laboratory because denture production requires a medical license.

The interviewee optimistically comments, “We plan to launch bar production and open a LLC during the next year. We are interested in transferring this idea to practice as soon as possible. If need to become industrialists, then so be it.”

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