Two new master programs in information technology to start in September 2022
They are Info-Communications in Special Robotics and Artificial Intelligence and Supercomputing Calculations.
A presentation of the programs was made during a roundtable on IT education in Tatarstan.
The Info-Communications in Special Robotics program contains subjects in special robotics, machine vision, and navigation in air, under earth, and in space. The students will intern at such employers as Sberbank, 1C, Russian Helicopters, KAMAZ, and Huawei.
The AI and Supercomputing Calculations program covers algorithms, neural networks, and fuzzy logic, among others.
The master students will also learn mathematical models of information protection, business processes, document turnover, financial management, machine learning, quantum calculations, and much more.
Representatives of the local IT industry were very enthusiastic about the opening of the new specializations.