Centers of shared facilities
Kazan Federal University possesses considerable base of modern scientific equipment. The time period more than a half of it has been in use does not exceed 5 years. Such resource base allows carrying out the scientific research of the highest level that is reflected by Research and Development works under the projects supported by Russian Science Foundation and Russian Foundation for Basic Research as well as under the Decrees №220 and 218 of the Government of Russia. As far as the number of RSF grants is concerned, Kazan Federal University is among the leaders in the Russian Federation. It is worthwhile noticing that the share of interdisciplinary projects overcomes 30%.
Under the federal project entitled “Development of advanced infrastructure for carrying out research in Russian Federation” the renovation program for KFU equipment base for the total of 1,5 billion rubles in 2020-2024 (solely the funds of the federal budget are stated) was approved by the Russian Academy of Sciences and KFU received a grant of 211,8 million rubles. The program will provide for the significant upgrade of the scientific equipment almost in all the laboratories where perspective research is carried out. Mainly these are research laboratories of natural sciences corresponding to the research priority areas of Kazan Federal University that are: Biomedicine and Pharmaceutics; Advanced materials; Oil Production, Refining and Petrochemicals; Infocommunications and Aerospace Technologies.
There are 3 Centers of shared facilities in KFU. In the framework of KFU equipment renovation not less than 80% of newly purchased equipment shall belong to these Centers of shared facilities.
- Center of shared facilities for physical and chemical research of substances and materials
The research areas of the Federal Center of shared facilities for physical and chemical research of substances and materials (founded in 2005) are the following: personalized medicine, hi-tech healthcare and technologies of health preservation; digital technologies, robot systems, new materials, big data, machine learning, artificial intelligence. This Center carries out interdisciplinary research in Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Medicine and Material Sciences.
- Interdisciplinary center of shared facilities
Interdisciplinary center of shared facilities (founded in 2012) provides for conducting the full cycle of genome and postgenome research to carry out breakthrough biomedical studies and diagnostics of complex clinical cases. Equipment and methodological base of the Center provides for the assessment of functional and taxonomic diversity of microbial communities, analyzing entire genomes of pro- and eukaryotic microorganisms based on NGS methods, as well as detecting single nucleotide substitutions in the genomes of plants, animals and humans. Both the influence of the defects detected in genome and the influence of therapeutic methods might be assessed at transcription and translation methods. Fast identification of pathogens and assessment of their genetic predisposition to antibiotic resistance, complete taxonomic and functional assessment of microbial communities, for example, those associated with humans (intestinal microbiome) or carrying out important biotechnological processes (methanogenic fermentation, composting, bioremediation of contaminated objects) constitute the tasks completed at the Interdisciplinary Center. Complete transcriptome and proteomic analyses allow evaluating the peculiarities of realization of genetic information in response to drug intake or change in environmental conditions. Research institutes, educational and medical institutions, expert forensic laboratories are among the users of the interdisciplinary center of shared facilities.
- Interdisciplinary center for analytical microscopy
Interdisciplinary center for analytical microscopy (founded in 2013) provides for technical and methodological base, as well as conducting fundamental and applied research in physics, chemistry, biology, biomedicine, geology with the use of technologies and instruments of the contemporary analytical microscopy.