Kazan Federal University

Biota of the Cis-Volga Region in Southern Tatarstan systemized during an expedition

A group of ecologists and biologists visited Tetyushi Municipal District in August.

The research was commissioned by the State Committee for Biological Resources of Tatarstan; Professor, Chair of the Department of General Ecology of KFU Tatiana Rogova served as the supervisor.

Forest masses in the Cis-Volga Region are among the largest in the province,says Associate Professor Galiya Shaykhutdinova. “They are quite heavy-going because of a large number of deep ravines. There are no roads, so travel is only possible by foot. Schuchyi Mountains [one of the stops of the expedition – editor’s note] are only accessible from water, so you have to disembark on the bank and head up to the woods.

Notably, these territories were never visited by scientific expeditions.

New findings from this trip confirmed the presence of some endangered and protected species on the territory. Among the found specimens were common viper, brittle spindle, common wasp, stag beetle, Podalia moths, lady’s slipper, Siberian iris, and others. Schuchyi Mountains are also inhabited by white-tailed eagle.

Mycologist Kim Potapov found and described over a hundred species of fungi. Of special interest is the first ever sighting of Lycoperdon in Tatarstan. Boletoid mushrooms were especially plentiful. The main variety of mushrooms is concentrated along forest streams and in places where groundwater is discharged.

Some new inhabitants of the province were found, such as praying mantis, which is slowly moving northwards in the European Russia.

An evaluation of ordinary ash populations was performed in the Tarkhany Oak Grove. It’s listed as vulnerable, but here the trees are healthy and reproduce successfully.

As a result of the expedition, new species may be recommended for inclusion or reconsideration of status in the Red Data Book of Tatarstan.

Source text: Alina Minnevalieva

Photos: Institute of Environmental Sciences

Translation: Yury Nurmeev

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