Kazan Federal University

Evaluation of allergenic and mutagenic activity of new inhibitors proves they are safe for biota and environment

A new publication was issued in BioNanoScience.

Previously, KFU’s Laboratory for Hydrate Technology of Utilization and Storage of Greenhouse Gases developed biodegradable inhibitors based on waterborne polyurethanes and aimed at preventing hydrate formation and corrosion. The results were published in Molecules.

“The takeaway of lab tests is that our compounds in 1% concentration do not have any detrimental effects on lab animals and are not mutagenic,” explains Junior Research Associate Yuliya Zaripova.

The animal tests were conducted in full compliance with the Ethics Committee’s requirements and general guidelines. Experimental animals were kept in sanitary conditions; healthy animals were tested after a 21-day quarantine.

“The research was funded by a joint Russian-Norwegian grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research,” says Chair of the Department of Petroleum Engineering Mikhail Varfolomeev. “This work is very important to create a multifunctional and non-toxic compound. We have made first steps in that direction by obtaining bifunctional and bio-safe inhibitors applicable at sea deposits including the Arctic shelf.”


Evaluation of Allergenic and Mutagenic Activity In Vivo of New Gas Hydrate and Corrosion Inhibitors Based on Waterborne Polyurethanes



Source text: Adelya Shemelova, Media Center

Translation: Yury Nurmeev

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