Kazan University is among the top five universities in Russia in inaugural media presence rankings
The ranking for July 2021 was presented by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia.
The first ever edition of the ranking includes 219 institutions. It was jointly developed by universities, nonprofits, professional communities, media, and sociologists.
The M-rate, as it’s officially titled, comprises three indicators – Index Mass Media, Index Social, and Index Site.
KFU ended up 5th in Index Mass Media, 5th in Index Site, and 6th in Index Social. Overall, this gave our university the 5th place.
The mass media index includes the number of publications in media, total audience, the number of TV appearances, and other parameters.
The social media index takes account of the presence of universities on VK.com, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, YouTube, TikTok, Odnoklassniki, and Twitter. Social media-to-website traffic is included.
The website index comprises traditional metrics like audience and duration of browsing.
Source text: Media Center
Photo: Alexander Kuznetsov
Translation: Yury Nurmeev