Kazan University partakes in publishing the first ever comprehensive checklist of Russia’s pileate fungi
Senior Lecturer Kim Potapov was the contributor from our institution.
The other participants were Botanical Institute (Russian Academy of Sciences), Yugra State University, Moscow State University, and others.
The idea to create such a checklist first arose eight years ago, but at that time only about polypores. However, it was later decided that pileate mushrooms also need this kind of systemization, and the project came to fruition.
As Potapov notes, the work was really meticulous and ambitious because it involved systematic reviews of hundreds of sources from the last 200 years. 954 sources in five languages were studied – ranging from the year 1824 to 2020. As a result, 3,246 species of mushrooms ended up in the list. 564 of them are found in the Republic of Tatarstan.
The checklist includes information about regional distribution of species. As was found out, some of the Russian provinces are not well covered fungi-wise and need more attention from scholars.
A publication about polypores of European Russia is also planned for 2022, and Kim Potapov will be named among the authors as well.
Source text: Alina Minnevalieva
Photo: Pixabay
Translation: Yury Nurmeev