Kazan University presents the Institute of Design and Spatial Arts
The new educational unit is headed by Karina Nabiullina, who gave comments on its priorities and programs.
The Institute comprises the following structural units, both new and formerly belonging to other institutes and departments:
Department of Construction and Design Projects;
Division of Design Projects;
Department of Design and Ethnic Arts;
Center for Project Competences;
Center for Industrial Design;
Architectural and Restoration of Heritage Lab;
School of Interior Arts;
Animation Lab;
Computational Design Lab;
School of Arts;
School of Landscape Design.
Director Karina Nabiullina talked about the majors currently available at the Institute, “The Institute enrolls freshmen in four majors – Communicative Design, Motion Design, Environmental Design, and Interior Design.”
As she noted, all students will be able to choose individualized tracks thanks to a significant number of labs, centers, and permanent workshops.
“We are aiming to make our educational process as practice-oriented as possible. There were such innovative schools as Bauhaus [in Germany] and Vkhutemas [Vocational School of Higher Art and Technical Studios, Russia] which made history and were unique; they reshaped the study programs of that time based on applied aspects. We also see ourselves as innovators,” said the Director. “I am very glad that our institute is a part of a classical university. Architectural and design skills are a sort of art. Here we can communicate and cooperate with sociologists, economists, programmers, and doctors.”
The Institute is going to be headquartered at 34 Levo-Bulachnaya street. It’s an early 19th century residential building currently listed as a local historical landmark.
Source text: Larisa Busil
Translation: Yury Nurmeev