Kazan Federal University

First dissertations in architecture presented at the Institute of Design and Spatial Arts after 24 years

The dissertation board is in charge of conferring degrees in specialization 2.1.11 Theory and History of Architecture, Restoration and Reconstruction of Historical and Architectural Heritage.

It is symbolic that the event took place during the celebration of the 220th anniversary of Kazan University. After a 24-year break, the architectural tradition is revived in Tatarstan.

The first applicants demonstrated their research and achievements.

Milyausha Tukmakova, Associate Professor of the Department of Architecture and Media Arts, presented her dissertation Formation of creative spaces in the renovation of youth centers (on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan). The study demonstrates how architecture can influence the construction of spaces that promote creativity and self-expression of youth.

Peculiarities of architectural and town-planning heritage of the city of Orenburg in the middle of the 18th – early 20th centuries was the title of a research treatise by Yulia Klimova, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Architecture at Orenburg State University. The study makes a significant contribution to the scientific concept of the history of Russian architecture of this period.

Moreover, the session also included a defense of an applicant for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences. Associate Professor of the Department of Reinforced Concrete and Stone Structures of the Don State Technical University Peter Polskoy successfully defended his dissertation Complex composite reinforcement of bent and compressed reinforced concrete structures. At 77 years of age, he is one of the most senior DSc degree obtainers in the history of Kazan University.

The Institute of Design and Spatial Arts offers a PhD course 2.1.11 Theory and History of Architecture, Restoration and Reconstruction of Historical and Architectural Heritage. The first enrollment took place this year.

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