Kazan Federal University

KFU-stored hematopoietic stem cells successfully transplanted in Kazan

A child patient has undergone a procedure at the Republican Children’s Clinical Hospital (RCCH) of Tatarstan.

RCCH partnered up with National Medical Research Center for Children’s Hematology, Oncology and Immunology (NMRCCHOI) and the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology (IFMB) of Kazan Federal University. KFU’s Biobank a special cryo-storage facility where donor hematopoietic stem cells are frozen according to a special individual freezing protocol using an ultra-precise digital programmable cryo-freezer and further stored.

Full engraftment and restoration of myelopoiesis has been achieved during the procedure. Two more patients underwent hematopoietic stem cell harvesting by apheresis method with subsequent cryopreservation.

“The KFU Biobank has been storing cord blood stem cell samples for nine years, providing a kind of medical insurance for the future generation,” stated Andrey Kiyasov, Vice-Rector for Biomedicine and Director of IFMB.

According to Albert Rizvanov, Head of Gene and Cell Technologies Lab, the stem cells were stored at minus 196 degrees. The cryo-storage is maintained by the Laboratory of Quantum Simulators, namely, Lead Research Associate Airat Kiyamov and Research Associate Anna Ivanova.

“Despite the autonomy of the cryo-storage facilities for emergencies (static storage time is 52 days), the liquid nitrogen level is replenished at least twice a week using make-up external Dewar vessels, ensuring a stable temperature regime for the samples. The process is controlled by Farit Khamidullin, an engineer with more than twenty years of experience in maintaining cryogenic facilities, together with his supervisor,” commented Ruslan Batulin, Head of the Laboratory of Quantum Simulators.

Elmira Elagina, Head of the Biobank, said that KFU experts have been working on stem cell storage and transplantation since 2005.

To date, six cryo-preservation procedures have already been carried out.

The Biobank can store everything that is subject to cryo-preservation: stem cells, adipose tissue, sex cells, bone tissue fragments, biopsy material, or plasma. In addition, research and development work is currently underway to develop new optimal algorithms for freezing and thawing of various tissues.

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