Kazan Federal University

Laboratory of Intelligent Robotic Systems presents assistant robot prototype

The robot, named ArtBul 1.2, is primarily designed for medical facilities.

The robot’s design and size allows him to easily maneuver hospital hallways, deliver medications and food, accompany patients, and perform other simple duties for the medical staff. According to PhD student Artyom Apurin, the device is currently in its test prototype phase.

“Almost everything in the robot has been done by our hands. I was in charge of the hardware – the frame was printed on a 3D printer. As of now, it’s a basic mobile platform. If needed, it can be equipped with additional modules, such as manipulators or containers. The robot is currently controlled manually, but it will become autonomous upon completion. It will be able to perform assigned tasks,” says the engineer.

The Lab has been working on the project since 2022. ArtBul 1.2 will soon be tested and further improved. Interestingly, the first version was round in shape and more noisy than the current model. As the creators share, all the components can easily be found on the market or locally produced.

It’s now early to say when the assistant will roam hospitals, but the current state of the project confirms that it will definitely happen in the near future.

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