Kazan Federal University

Researchers test binary systems for downhole treatment of heavy oil

A joint paper with Samaraneftegaz and SamaraNIPIneft saw light in Processes.

In the course of recent research, the KFU team proved that highly concentrated binary compositions are capable of releasing more gas and heat in the process of thermal-gas-chemical reaction. The development provides effective thermochemical treatment of downhole zones of wells.

“In order to increase the coverage of thermal influence on the treated formation, binary compositions are adapted by introducing thermo-salt-resistant surfactant, which in the process will allow redistributing the flow of reacted composition to less permeable areas of the formation due to intensive foaming during the reaction,” says Oleg Anikin, Research Associate of the Laboratory of Enhanced Oil Recovery.

The scientists plan to reach a satisfactory level of thermobaric effect in a porous medium, which requires delayed-action initiators for the activation of a binary mix.

“We have optimized the launch of thermal-gas-generating systems with controlled reactions with a predetermined induction period for a safe injections of both the initiating and binary compounds,” explains Anikin.

New injection techniques are adapted for sandstone and carbonate reservoirs without ensuing emergence of low-soluble compounds with initiated reactions in the downhole zone. Filtration experiments have been conducted on oil-saturated core models. The paper shows which conditions, reagent concentrations, and injection techniques give desired thermal effects during the movement of the combustion front.

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