Student Startup winner to conduct cartoon-based psychological diagnostics of children

Psychology student Anna Zharkovskaya’s project – now set to receive 1 million rubles – is titled ‘Animated film as a diagnostical resource for elementary schoolers’.
The methodology created by the KFU student will allow to reveal the peculiarities of a child’s understanding of cartoon films, which will help in turn to form personal qualities and correct the child’s further development. The questionnaire system will be aimed at identifying the psychological characteristics of the child, and the questions with a drawing answer will show not the conscious attitudes of the schoolchild, but rather their unconscious impulses and experiences.
“My love for children pushed me to create such a project. This is how it all started: my project was born, a team was assembled, and the first research appeared, on the basis of which we identified a problem and decided to find something to help deal with it,” says the winner. She is supervised by Chair of the Department of Primary Education Venera Zakirova.
Zharkovskay’s team comprises five people, each of whom, according to her, has their own unique strengths, which makes task sharing very easy.
“The cards we have created will also help parents understand what their child can get and learn from watching cartoons and various animated series. In the future, I would like to work with children with disabilities. I really hope that we will be able to create accessible cards that will make it easier to work with them,” concludes the interviewee.