Aide to the President of Russia Igor Levitin joins KFU Academic Board meeting and visits the IT Lyceum

He was at the University on 29 August.
Accompanied by Rector Lenar Safin and IT Lyceum Director Ildar Mukhametov, he toured classrooms, teachers’ rooms, and a gym. At the Lyceum Technology Park the guest listened to the pupils’ projects and was familiarized with online courses. A meeting with the staff was also held.
The Rector congratulated them on the beginning of the new academic year, “The Lyceum is one of leaders in the Republic of Tatarstan and is among the top 100 Russian schools thanks to its talented teachers. You have a young staff and great potential for development. The University is ready to support your projects, renovate your infrastructure and equipment.”
He also spoke about motivation for young people. This year, KFU partners up with Ammonium, a local chemical manufacturer, to organize a federal chemistry competition. Winners will be given admission to KFU’s Institute of Chemistry without exams and a personal scholarship from the company for the duration of their studies.
Igor Levitin opined that IT Lyceum is truly a school for the entire country, “You have to have more pupils from other provinces because you have everything to teach them on a very high level. It’s also important that they later work in accordance with their specialization, grow as a person and give back to society.”
In conclusion, he gifted the Lyceum volleyball kits and volleyballs. The Lyceum volleyball team is among the best in the area.
The Rector and the Aide also handed over certificates of appreciation and presents to the winners of the 14th Russian Field Olympiad of Young Geologists.
Two Lyceum employees were given certificates of appreciation from the Ministry of Education and Science of Tatarstan and from the Rector.
Earlier in the day, Igor Levitin visited a meeting of the KFU Academic Board. He briefly greeted the board members and had high praise of the University’s contributions to Russia’s cooperation with other countries, emphasizing such regions as East and Southeast Asia and the Middle East. He noted the Government of Russia pays special attention to science and education.