Kazan Federal University

University to coordinate longitudinal survey of preschool education

Over 40 Tatarstani kindergartens have joined the project.

“Growing Together is a large-scale project set to improve childhood experiences,” says Chair of the Department of Preschool Education of KFU Alla Tvardovskaya. “It’s headed by Kazan Federal University, Moscow State University, and Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Education. The project aims to study psychological and personal growth of children.”

Tatarstan provides a favorable environment for such an ambitious endeavor, with multilingual educational institutions and advanced digitization of education.

Individual diagnostics will determine patterns of cognitive, emotional, regulatory and speech development of kids in various provinces of Russia. Its multi-pronged approach will result in comprehensive sets of recommendations for the improvement of child development. To achieve the objectives, Moscow State University offers its proprietary educational module about contemporary approaches to the conceptualization of childhood and the usage of digital tools for diagnostics.

In the next three years, children of 5 to 6 years of age are going to be studied for at least two years each. The diagnostics includes IQ measurements, self-regulation skills, emotional intelligence, and speech development. Parents will be surveyed on their views on family upbringing.

After that, the methodologies and techniques will be standardized to objectively assess a child’s development in comparison with other children of the same age group, and feedback will be given to individual participants of the survey.

The uniqueness of the initiative is in the speed of practical implementation of scientific knowledge. Optimal strategies of psychological assistance and monitoring will be determined to fully actualize every child’s potential.


Source text: Media Center, Galina Khasanova

Translation: Yury Nurmeev

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