Further cooperation discussed with Bukhara State University
Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation of BSU was welcomed on 17 December by First Vice-Rector Dmitry Tayursky.
KFU was also represented by Deputy Vice-Rector for Education in charge of Higher Education Yekaterina Snarskaya, Acting Director of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics (IMM) Marat Nasrutdinov, Director of the International Office Olga Vershinina, and Deputy Director for Research of IMM Bulat Tazyukov.
Dmitry Tayursky, opening the meeting, said that KFU has a long-standing cooperation with Bukhara University and there are many topics for discussion.
Tulkin Rasulov thanked for the warm welcome and noted that it is always a pleasure to work with Kazan University.
“We are implementing joint projects with KFU, and there are already joint scientific publications. Recently we have received a grant together with chemists of Kazan University. We are honored to have such good partners as Kazan Federal University. We would like to discuss prospects for further cooperation,” Rasulov said.
Speaking about the prospects, he emphasized that Bukhara University is interested in the implementation of joint educational programs primarily in medical physics, IT, and finance.
Tulkin Rasulov informed the audience that Bukhara University will celebrate its 95th anniversary next year and proposed to organize a conference together with KFU to mark this date. Dmitry Tayursky supported this initiative, and it was tentatively decided that it would be held in September.
After the meeting, Dr Tayursky said that joint programs of the universities in economics and management had been implemented earlier.
“Today we are discussing programs of joint scientific research and joint educational programs in physics, chemistry, mathematics,” explained he. “Bukhara University has established itself quite well in the international arena as a center of mathematical research. Vice-Rector Rasulov is a member of editorial boards of our journals in mathematics. In the past year our chemists have received a joint grant, and a patent application has been filed.”
The next day, 18 December, the guests are visiting IMM the Institute of IT and Intelligent Systems.