Kazan Federal University

Rector Lenar Safin meets with Governor of Jizzakh Region Ergash Saliev

The Uzbekistani delegation visited on 4 October.

The visit was part of the 3rd Russia-Uzbekistan Interregional Cooperation Forum, held this year in Kazan.

The guests toured KFU’s recently opened Dentistry Clinic, including its departments of child dentistry, orthodontics, digital diagnostics, implantology, and classrooms. Concurrently, the sides discussed medical education at the Jizzakh Branch, as well as some other pertinent issues.

The Governor later familiarized himself with valuable books and manuscripts at the Lobachevsky Library. The Rector handed over a precious gift – a copy of the Qur’an from 1803, the first ever series of printed copies of the holy scripture in Russia.

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