Kazan Federal University

Summer Institute held for colleagues from the Commonwealth of Independent States

The participants, representing Belarus, Armenia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzsan, and Uzbekistan, visited KFU on 16 – 17 August.

The Summer Institute aims to familiarize academics with the latest trends in Russian historical science and methodological practices in education and research. The program includes short sessions at several Russian universities.

Vice-Rector for International Affairs Timirkhan Alishev, who put forth the initiative to invite the colleagues, comments, “Among the participating institutions, since this is a network project, are Russian State University of Humanities, Nizhny Novgorod State University of Linguistics, and Pskov State University. “

During the first day, the guests toured the Kazan Kremlin and Kazan city center. The next day, they visited the KFU History Museum and attended lectures.

In particular, Associate Professor Albert Beloglazov spoke about Russia and the Eastern countries in the post-bipolar world; Associate Professor Yevgeniya Khramova‘s master classes were dedicated to the role of public diplomacy in the shaping of Russia’s international image and the culture of dialog in Tatarstan; finally, Director of the Department of Information Policy Yelena Yelshina talked about her department and KFU’s UNIVER TV channel.

Earlier in the summer, a large-scale international project, called the Summer University, was held for young people from around the world.

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