Kazan Federal University

Visit by representatives of Urgench Branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies

They met with Vice-Rector for International Affairs Timirkhan Alishev and other KFU employees on 16 January.

The delegation comprises Director of the Urgench Branch Uktir Matyokubov and others.

Vice-Rector Alishev spoke about KFU’s priorities, strategy, and research, including its World-Class Research Center in Liquid Hydrocarbons and Automotive Engineering School.

KFU’s cooperation with Uzbekistan is extensive, with 59 partners in various regions of the Central Asian republic, 61 joint programs, and many exchange visits and advanced training sessions. Naturally, the recently opened Jizzakh Branch of KFU in Uzbekistan also came up.

During this academic year, our University hosts nearly 2,300 Uzbekistani students, which is the largest representation among overseas countries. The vast majority are enrolled in economics and management programs.

The TUIT Urgench Branch representatives showed interest in academic exchange and teaching internships, as well as joint programs. The Branch currently has two faculties – telecom technology and computational technology.

After the meeting, the guests plan to tour relevant KFU departments engaged in IT and mathematics.

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