KFU’s Interregional Subject Olympiad
Dear participants!
The latest information about the Olympiads is collected here for you! Click on the icon to find out the details!
Information on the Olympiads | Qualifying Stage | Final Stage | The Olympiads results |
Regulatory Documents | Archive | Preparing for the Olympiads | Contacts of the Organizing Committee |
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University organizes the Interregional Subject Olympiads. The Center for Work with Gifted School Students at the Department of Education of KFU is responsible for the general coordination of the Olympiads.
Olympiads are held on the following subjects: Astronomy, Biology, Geography, Geology, Design, Foreign language (English, Spanish, German, French), Informatics, History, Literature, Mathematics, Music, Social science, Pedagogics, Political science, Law, Russian Language, Native (Tatar) language, Physics, Chemistry, Ecology, Economics, World Economics. The Olympiads are held on a voluntary basis among students of 5-11 grades in Russia and foreign countries, studying under educational programs of basic general and secondary general education.
Participation is free of charge.
The Olympiads are held in two stages:
- the qualifying stage is held in distant mode with the use of distance learning technologies in November-December (registration and testing on “Budu studentom”)
- the final stage is held in-person.
Winners and prize-winners of the previous stage of the Olympiad are qualified for participation in each subsequent stage. Winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the previous year, continuing their study under educational programs of basic general and secondary general education are eligible for participation in the final stage of the Olympiad of the relevant subject, skipping the qualifying stage.
Registration procedure and schedule of the Olympiad will be published on the website not later than one month before the day of the Olympiad. Interregional Subject Olympiads in Design, Mathematics, Russian Language, Physics, and Chemistry are included in the draft of the List of Olympiads for school students and participants of equivalent level for the 2022/23 academic year (No. 35, Design and Chemistry – Level 2, Mathematics, Russian Language, and Physics – Level 3).
KFU’s Interregional Subject Olympiads are included in the List of Olympiads and other intellectual and (or) creative competitions, events aimed at developing intellectual and creative skills, abilities to engage in physical education and sports, interest in scientific (research), engineering and technical, inventive, creative, physical-sports activities, as well as promotion of scientific knowledge, creative and sports achievements for the academic year 2022/23. Winners and prize-winners will be included in the database on gifted children.
Benefits for admission to study at Kazan Federal University.
Information about the admission of winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads to KFU is available by the link.
Information on taking into account individual achievements while applying is available by the link.
If the winner / prize-winner of the KFU Olympiad, included in the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren and their levels, plans to enroll in another university, the conditions for admission must be clarified at the admission committee of this university.
Contacts of the admission committee of KFU: (843) 292-73-40, 233-70-76, priem@kpfu.ru.
Astronomy and Physics – Institute of Physics;
Biology – Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology;
Geography and Economics – Institute of Management, Economics and Finance;
Geology – Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies;
Art and Design – Institute of Design and Spatial Arts;
Foreign Languages, History, Social Studies and Economics of the world – Institute of International Relations;
Computer Science – Institute of Computational Mathematics and Information Technologies;
Literature, Russian Language, Native Language (Tatar), Music – Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication;
Mathematics – Nikolai Lobachevsky Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics;
Pedagogy – Institute of Psychology and Education;
Political Science – Institute of Social and Philosophical Sciences and Mass Communications;
Law – Faculty of Law;
Chemistry – Alexander Butlerov Institute of Chemistry;
Ecology – Institute of Environmental Sciences.
Documents, registration procedure and participation in the Olympiads:
- Procedure for the Olympiad for school students (approved by Order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation No. 566 dated June 22, 2022)
- Regulations on Interregional Subject Olympiads
- Rules of conducting qualifying and final stages.
Qualifying Stage
Dear friend! We are happy to see you among the participants of the KFU’s Interregional Subject Olympiads.
Qualifying stage will be held on November 1-30, 2022.
If you’ve decided to take part in the Olympiad, you should:
Step 1. Register on “Budu studentom”.
Step 2. Get a username and password to access your personal account. The participant is responsible for completeness and accuracy of the data provided in the registration form. It is forbidden to fill data with Caps Lock on. If the participant has already been registered on “Budu studentom”, he/she can use existing account.
Step 3. Select the tab «Interregional subject Olympiads of KFU» in your personal account.
Step 4. Carefully follow the steps described in your personal account.
Step 5. Take part in the Olympiad in chosen subject.
Any registered participant can only participate once in each chosen subject. If a participant has taken part in the qualifying stage more than once in the same subject, only the first result will be counted in the rating table. If a participant does not click the “Finish Testing” button after completing the test, he will be given 0 points. The Olympiads are held according to the subjects and grades.
The duration of the session in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry is 3 hours,Russian Language – 2 hours, Design is 24 hours.
Winners and prize-winners of the qualifying stage (up to 45% of participants on each subject) will be qualified for participation in the final stage. Winners and prize-winners of the final stage of last year’s Olympiads who continue studying under general education programs are also invited to participate in the final stage.
On December 2, 2022 in personal accounts of participants on “Budu studentom” website will be published answers and tasks of qualifying stage. Lists of participants of the qualifying stage and their results will be published on December 6, 2022 in section “Results”. Appeals will be accepted from December 7 to 9, 2022. Final results of the qualifying stage (participants qualified for the final stage) will be published on December 16, 2022. All participants of the qualifying stage will be awarded certificates of participation in the qualifying stage of KFU’s Interregional Subjects Olympiad. Winners and prize-winners of the qualifying stage will be awarded diplomas and invitations for participation in the final stage. Certificates, diplomas and invitations will be published a personal account on “Budu studentom”.
Information for participants on “Informatics”.
Qualifying stage on “Informatics” is held online in PCMS system on https://abiturient.kpfu.ru. Exercises consists of 3 blocks with 5 tasks. Tasks are available until the end of the qualifying stage. Points are calculated in case all 3 blocks are finished. Task blocks will be published according to the following dates:
Block N1: November, 1;
Block N2: November, 10;
Block N3: November, 19. Participant earns maximum 100 points for each task and 1500 points for 3 blocks. The list of available programming languages: С++, Java, Python, Pascal.
Instruction for participants on “Informatics”.
Final Stage
Winners and prize-winners of the qualifying stage of the current academic year, winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the previous academic year in the same subject, continuing study under general education programs of basic general and secondary general education are invited to participate in the final stage.
The number of winners of the final stage cannot exceed 8% of the total number of participants in each subject, the number of winners and prize-winners cannot exceed 25% of the total number of participants in each subject.
The numbers of winners and prize-winners of the final stage in the corresponding subject studying in 11th grade cannot exceed 300 people. Winners of the final stage will be awarded first-degree diplomas, prize-winners – second- and third-degree diplomas. Diplomas can be printed from personal accounts on “Budu studentom”.
The Olympiads results
Contacts of the Organizing Committee
Business hours: Monday – Friday (Saturday and Sunday are non-working days) 8.30-17.30, break 12.00-13.00 (Moscow time).
Address: 420008, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Kremlevskaya Str., 35 (second academic building), room 214, phone: 233-70-82,
e-mail: mpo@kpfu.ru
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