Engineering and technology – master programs
03.04.03 Radio physics – Distributed intelligent systems (Institute of Physics)
Title | 03.04.03 Radio physics – distributed intelligent systems |
Level | Master’s degree |
Duration | 2 years |
Mode of study | Full-time |
Language of study | Russian |
Location | Kazan, Institute of Physics |
Description, Major courses | Training of specialists who can practically implement projects related to artificial intelligence, development and design of desrebuted intelligent systems. Acquiring skills to apply modern scientific concepts of the nature of artificial intelligence to solve applied radiophysical problems of any level of complexity, including the development and design of infocommunication systems with any kind of infrastructure (from the latest systems of terrestrial wireless and mobile communications to space communication systems, and Internet of Things systems). Core courses: Cyber-physical Technologies Multithreaded Processing of Big Data Network Operating Systems Quantum Computing and Communication Cryptographic Methods in Distributed Intelligent Systems Distributed Systems for Remote Information Collection Physics of Nonlinear Phenomena Radio Telecommunication Networks |
Career prospects | Job options for graduates: companies involved in the development and maintenance of modern radio and telecommunications equipment, using modern information technology in their activities. Developers of distributed intelligent systems have no problem finding vacancies in technology companies, software or robotics corporations. They are needed wherever intelligent systems are actively used or studied. |
03.04.03 Radio physics – Quantum devices and radio photonics (Institute of Physics)
Title | 03.04.03 Radio physics – Quantum devices and radio photonics (Institute of Physics) |
Level | Master |
Duration | 2 years |
Mode of study | Full-time |
Language of study | Russian |
Location | Kazan |
Major courses | Physics of nonlinear systems Big Data processing Dielectric spectroscopy Magnetic resonance Quantum computing Spin kinetics Radio informatics Microelectronic measurement systems Cryogenics Photonic materials Wave processes in water and air |
Career prospects | Radio and communication equipment – production and maintenance Electronics engineering |
03.04.02 Medical physics (Institute of Physics)
Title | 03.04.02 Medical Physics (Institute of Physics) |
Level | Master’s degree |
Duration | 2 years |
Mode of study | Full-time |
Language of study | Russian |
Location | Kazan, Institute of Physics |
Description, Major courses | Medical Physics is a relatively new field in professional training and was originally associated with the development of nuclear medicine. Medical Physicist profession appeared in the health care system after the first serious complications of radiation diagnostics and therapy were discovered. Today medics and physicists (medical physicists) work hand in hand in clinics. Physicists are responsible for radiobiological safety in developing a diagnostic and therapeutic protocol (plan). But our graduates not only work nuclear medicine centers, they are also in demand in many other fields. Core courses: Information Technologies in Physics Contemporary Problems of Biophysics Fundamentals of Nuclear Physics in Medicine Optics and Laser Physics in Biomedicine Physical Visualization Methods Basics of Magnetic Resonance Molecular Mechanisms of Pathology and Diagnostic Principles Structural Biology Optional courses: – Radiation Physics in Medicine / Radiation Diagnostics and Therapy – Magnetic Resonance of Free Radicals / Electron Paramagnetic Resonance in Medicine – Clinic of Internal Medicine / Clinical Anatomy and Physiology – Positron Emission Tomography / Computed X-ray Tomography – Magnetic Resonance Tomography / Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Microtomography – Nuclear Magnetic Resonance / Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Biological Objects – Legal and Organizational Principles of Scientific Projects Implementation / Legal Aspects of Medical Physics Activities – Biostructures and Nanomaterials in Medicine / Principles and Systems of Drug Delivery – Physics of Biomolecular Systems / Bio-Membranology Elective courses: – Biomechanics – Medical electronics and equipment – Innovative technologies |
Career prospects | Engineer in clinical oncology Radiological safety officer Engineer in medical equipment production Maintenance worker in CT / MRI departments Educator Researcher |
27.04.05 Digital transformation of enterprises (Institute of Physics)
Title | 27.04.05 Digital transformation of enterprises |
Level | Master’s degree |
Duration | 2 years |
Mode of study | Full-time |
Language of study | Russian |
Location | Kazan, Institute of Physics |
Description, Major courses | The global economy has now entered a phase of transition to a new technological stage – global digitalization. In order to implement this transformation in enterprises, it is necessary to have specialists capable of identifying the strategy for this transition. This program is focused on training such specialists. The following courses of this program serve to develop digital and managerial competencies: Digitization of Processes, Project Management Methodologies, Cross-Cutting Technologies of Industry 4.0, Systems Theory and Systems Analysis, Fundamentals of Information Security, Big Data Analysis and Machine Learning, Organizational Management Strategies |
Career prospects | Digital transformation centers, project offices, R&D centers of companies and enterprises |
03.04.02 Physics of advanced materials (Institute of Physics)
Title | 03.04.02 Physics of advanced materials |
Level | Master’s degree |
Duration | 2 years |
Mode of study | Full-time |
Language of study | Russian |
Location | Kazan, Institute of Physics |
Description, Major courses | Training of experts to conduct research in the field of fundamental, applied and technical developments aimed at creating innovative materials through advanced technology methods, development of physical principles and methods of manufacturing high-performance devices for their introduction into production. The training system balances the study of physical and mathematical disciplines, new computer technologies for modeling physical processes and materials with research practice. Graduates get experimental experience doing practical work with modern hi-tech equipment for synthesis of innovative materials; gain skills of diagnostics using electron paramagnetic, nuclear magnetic and gamma resonance, optical and laser spectroscopy of high spectral and temporal resolution, X-ray and neutron methods of analysis, etc. Core courses: – Problems and Development of Quantum Physics, – Collective Excitations in Solids, – Nuclear Technology of Materials Science, – Modern Problems of Condensed State Physics, – Physics of Polymers, – Computer-Aided Design of Materials, – Materials Science and Technology, – Modern Programming Technologies, – Quantum Computing, – Nuclear and Physical Methods of Research of Condensed Media, – Low-Dimensional Systems and Heterostructures, – Magnetic Resonance Methods, – Laser Technologies for Research and Modification Of Materials. |
Career prospects | Project agencies and IT-companies, research institutions of physical and technical profile, enterprises of high-tech science-based sector, production centers producing measuring and diagnostic equipment, developing new advanced materials, enterprises of aviation, machine building, defense and petrochemical complex, electronics industry, medical and instrumental production of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation, etc. |
08.04.01 Construction – Theory and Design of Buildings and Structures (Naberezhnye Chelny Institute)
Name | 08.04.01 Construction – Theory and Design of Buildings and Structures |
Level | Master |
Duration | 2 years |
Mode of study | Full-time, part-time |
Language of study | Russian |
Location | Naberezhnye Chelny Institute – Civil Engineering Department |
Description, major courses | The program trains specialists for design, management in construction and operation, reconstruction of buildings and structures. It trains specialists in the field of urban planning and territorial management, owning the whole complex of research and design activities. Disciplines: Methods of solving scientific and technical problems in construction New architectural and constructional solutions for extreme conditions Artificial bases and foundations Methods of mechanics of deformable solid state in calculations of building structures Reinforced concrete structures Metal structures Technical expert appraisal of real estate objects Calculation of strength and stiffness of composite structures Construction materials science Construction of plastics Wooden structures |
Career prospects | Construction engineer, design engineer, construction engineer, manager of a residential complex |
13.04.03 Power engineering – Internal combustion engines (Naberezhnye Chelny Institute)
Name | 13.04.03 Power engineering – Internal combustion engines |
Level | Master |
Duration | 2 years |
Mode of study | Full-time |
Language of study | Russian |
Location | Naberezhnye Chelny Institute – Automobile Department |
Description, major courses | The program is directed to prepare highly qualified graduates for leading Russian and foreign automobile and engine construction companies, plants, research centers and universities. The field of professional activity of the graduates of the Master’s degree program relates to power engineering, operation of automobiles and internal combustion engines, higher and secondary vocational education. The scope of professional activities of graduates are: – public and private research and production and technological, organizational and managerial, design and development, installation and commissioning, service and maintenance organizations; – institutions of higher and secondary vocational education. The future masters master’s students master the disciplines which are connected with the methodology of scientific and applied researches, with design and construction of engines, with tests of engines, with modeling of working processes of engines and special equipment with application of graphic and modeling computer programs. The main disciplines of the master’s degree: – Fundamentals of Scientific Research; – Theory and algorithms of inventive problem solving; – Air supply units for combined internal combustion engines; – Control of operating modes of internal combustion engines; – Modeling of the thermal and stress-strain state of parts of internal combustion engines; – Modeling of processes in combustion engines; – Modern Problems of Science and Production in Power Machine Building; – Formation of internal combustion engines quality assurance at the stages of life cycle; – Computer technologies in science and production; – Modern power technologies; – Special chapters of dynamics of internal combustion engines. |
Career prospects | Jobs and positions for graduates in: – automobile and engine plants: managers, leading and chief specialists, heads of shops and departments, designers, technologists, designers, testers and other positions of engineering and technical workers; – transport enterprises engaged in the operation and maintenance of vehicles and engines in the positions of managers, leading and chief specialists, heads of services, departments, operating engineers, technical services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, public utilities and other organizations that use automotive equipment for various purposes. – institutions of the system of higher and secondary vocational education, secondary general education. Masters in this direction of training are in demand in the labor market and employed in the largest Russian and international automobile companies, such as: KAMAZ PJSC, KAMA CF LLC, Cummins-KAMA, Sollers, Daimler-Benz and many others. |
15.04.01 Mechanical engineering – Machines and technology of metal forming (Naberezhnye Chelny Institute)
Name | 15.04.01 Mechanical engineering – Machines and technology of metal forming |
Level | Master |
Duration | 2 years |
Mode of study | Full-time |
Language of study | Russian |
Location | Naberezhnye Chelny Institute – Automobile Department, Department of Mechanical Engineering |
Description, major courses | Training of specialists in perfect mastery of a set of means, techniques, methods and methods of human activity aimed at creating competitive products of mechanical engineering and based on: – application of modern methods of design, mathematical, physical and computer modeling of technological processes; – Using the means of design and technological informatics and computer-aided design; – creation of quality management systems applicable to specific production conditions on the basis of international standards; – conducting market research with the search for optimal solutions when creating products, taking into account the requirements of quality, reliability and cost, as well as the timing of its production, life safety and environmental friendliness. Major disciplines: 1. Computer technologies in mechanical engineering 2. Language and style of business communication 3. Planning, development and promotion of mechanical engineering products 4. Technical and security documents in mechanical engineering 5. Scientific organization of work in mechanical engineering 6. Development of physical and mathematical models 7. Project management in mechanical engineering 8. Physical foundations of plastic deformation 9. Innovative technologies of plastic molding 10. Specialized equipment for metal forming |
Career prospects | Managers of different level of machine building enterprises, design and research organizations connected with design and manufacture of engineering products, installation, operation, maintenance and repair of engineering equipment in particular: KAMAZ Scientific and Technical Center, KAMAZ Technology Center, Saturn LLC, Tatprof JSC, Federal-Mogul Naberezhnye Chelny LLC, CF KAMA LLC. |
15.04.05 – Design and technological support of machine-building productions (Naberezhnye Chelny Institute)
Name | 15.04.05 – Design and technological support of machine-building productions |
Level | Master |
Duration | 2 years |
Mode of study | Full-time |
Language of study | Russian |
Location | Naberezhnye Chelny Institute – Automobile Department |
Description, major courses | It is a system of educational and methodical documents regulating the goals, expected results, content, conditions and technologies of the educational process realization, the system of graduate training quality evaluation. Developed and approved on the basis of the FSES for the direction of training 15.04.05 “Design and technological support of machine-building production”, degree “master”, taking into account the requirements of representatives of employers in the face of R.M. Hisamutdinov Deputy Director for Development of Robotics Production of PJSC KAMAZ. The Program was developed in accordance with the needs of the regional labor market in personnel with higher education. The objective of the basic educational program is to train highly qualified specialists with professional competencies capable of working in the following areas of professional activity: mechanical engineering, development of technological equipment of machine-building productions, modernization of the existing machine-building productions, creation of new ones. Major disciplines: 1. Cost Management Technologies in Mechanical Engineering 2. Mathematical modeling in mechanical engineering 3. Computer technology in science and production 4. CALS systems in mechanical engineering 5. Expertise and certification of mechanical engineering products 6. Reliability and diagnostics of technological systems 7. Modern problems of instrumental support of machine-building production 8. Calculation, modeling and design of equipment with computer control 9. Theory of shaping and cutting tools 10. Technology of knowledge-intensive machine-building industries |
Career prospects | Masters in this field will be in demand by various machine-building enterprises, research institutes and institutions of higher education as process engineers, designers, technical production managers, researchers and teachers. |
20.04.01 Technosphere safety – Protection of natural environment and resource preservation (Naberezhnye Chelny Institute)
Name | Content |
Name | 20.04.01 Technosphere safety – Protection of natural environment and resource preservation (Naberezhnye Chelny Institute) |
Level | Master |
Duration | 2 years |
Mode of study | Full-time |
Language of study | Russian |
Location | Naberezhnye Chelny Institute – Department of Engineering and Construction, Department of Chemistry and Ecology |
Description of program | Within the framework of the basic educational program the training of highly qualified masters with professional competencies, capable of working in the following areas of professional activity is conducted: ensuring human safety in the modern world, minimization of anthropogenic impact on the environment, preservation of human life and health by using modern technical means, methods of control and forecasting. As a result of the training, the master is prepared to solve professional tasks in research, organizational and managerial, expert, supervisory, inspection and auditing, service and maintenance, and design and development activities. The main disciplines of the specialization: Safety monitoring Security expertise Modern problems of science in environmental protection Management of labor protection Industrial safety Processes and apparatus for biosphere protection Calculation and design of safety systems Biotechnology in resource conservation Modern methods of controlling the quality of environmental and industrial environment Environmental Protection in Emergency Situations Modern technologies of production and consumption wastes processing |
Career prospects | Environmental Engineer Environmental safety expert Health and Safety Engineer State supervision and control inspector Specialist of expert organizations industrial and fire safety |
13.04.01 Heat power engineering and heat engineering – Autonomous power systems (Naberezhnye Chelny Institute)
Name | 13.04.01 Heat power engineering and heat engineering – Autonomous power systems |
Level | Master |
Duration | 2 years |
Mode of study | Full-time |
Language of study | Russian |
Location | Naberezhnye Chelny Institute – Department of Information Technology and Energy Systems |
Description, major courses | The field of professional activity of a graduate who has mastered the master’s program includes research, design, engineering and operation of technical means and technological equipment for production and transformation of hydrogen fuel energy. Disciplines: “Basics of scientific research”, “Gas fuel technologies”, “Hydrogen systems operation technologies”, “Cryogenic systems heat and mass transfer apparatus”, “Energy transformation systems”, “Energy inspection and certification of gas production”, “Reliability of gas cryogenic systems”, “Control and safety of gas cryogenic systems”, “Modeling of thermal and gas dynamic processes”, “Methods of optimization of operation modes of gas cryogenic systems”, “Solution of heat and mass transfer problems with modern software» |
Career prospects | “Engineer-constructor”, “Engineer-technologist” PJSC KAMAZ, PJSC Gazprom, GSC Rosatom, PJSC Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant, PJSC TAIF-NK. |
13.04.01 Heat power and heat engineering – Energy management (Naberezhnye Chelny Institute)
Name | 13.04.01 Heat power and heat engineering – Energy management |
Level | Master |
Duration | 2 years |
Mode of study | Full-time |
Language of study | Russian |
Location | Naberezhnye Chelny Institute – Department of Information Technology and Energy Systems |
Description, major courses | The field of professional activity of the graduate, who has mastered the master’s program, includes research, design, construction and operation of technical means for heat production, its application, control of its flows and conversion of other types of energy into heat. Disciplines: “Engineering design of energy supply systems”, “Principles of effective management of technological processes in thermal power engineering”, “Problems of energy and resource saving in thermal power engineering”, “Power supply of enterprises”, “Energy inspection and certification of power facilities”, “Reliability of power supply systems”, “Engineering experiment theory”, “Physical modeling and design of complex heat and mass transfer systems”, “Methods of engineering solution optimization”, “Solution of heat and mass transfer problems with modern programs”, “Heat and mass transfer problem solving”. |
Career prospects | “Energy Engineer”, “Energy Manager” |
13.04.02 Electric power and electrical engineering – Electrical power supply of industrial enterprises and systems (Naberezhnye Chelny Institute)
Name | 13.04.02 Electric power and electrical engineering – Electrical power supply of industrial enterprises and systems |
Level | Master |
Duration | 2 years (full-time), 2,5 (part-time) |
Mode of study | Full-time, part-time |
Language of study | Russian |
Location | Naberezhnye Chelny Institute – Department of Information Technology and Energy Systems, Department of Electric Power and Electrical Engineering |
Description, major courses | Serious fundamental training in mathematics, physics, electrical engineering, electrical and electronic apparatus, electrical machines and electric drive, electrical equipment of cars, autonomous current sources) is combined with a deep study of applied disciplines and active scientific and practical work of the student. The graduate will be able to successfully conduct developments aimed at creating and ensuring the functioning of automated systems and facilities of electric power industry. List of 10-15 main disciplines of the specialization: Simulation modeling in electric power engineering and electrical engineering Design activity in electric power engineering and electrical engineering Energy-saving technologies Failure physics and reliability of electric power supply products Optimization in electric power systems Basics of SmartGrid networks Artificial intelligence Electromagnetic compatibility of the electric power industry objects control systems Organization of operation, repair and diagnostics of electric equipment Operation modes and operation of electric equipment of stations and substations |
Career prospects | A graduate will be able to work at the enterprises of the energy complex in the field of energy and energy supply: Chief power engineer, site manager, designer, power grid adjuster/controller, energy efficiency and energy conservation specialist. |
15.04.04 Automation of technological processes and productions (Naberezhnye Chelny Institute)
Name | 15.04.04 Automation of technological processes and productions |
Level | Master |
Duration | 2 years |
Mode of study | Full-time |
Language of study | Russian |
Location | Naberezhnye Chelny Institute – Department of Information Technology and Energy Systems |
Description, major courses | he program is aimed at training highly qualified personnel for leading Russian and foreign companies in the field of automation and control. Serious fundamental training in the field of automation and control, artificial intelligence, modeling is combined with a deep study of applied disciplines and active scientific and practical work of master students. The range of the directions of educational research works offered to master students is quite wide. Here and the development of various automated control systems of technological processes with elements of artificial intelligence, mathematical modeling, synthesis and optimization of automatic control systems and much more. The main disciplines of the specialization: Mathematical modeling and mathematical methods in the problems of automation and control; Information systems of quality management in automated and automatic productions; Designing automation and control systems; Modeling of control systems of technological objects; Software for control systems of technological processes; The main problems of modern equipment and industrial robots; Artificial intelligence in the control of technological objects; Intelligent systems; System analysis of technological objects; Integrated design and control systems of automated and automatic productions; Computer control systems of technological objects; Modern methods of knowledge representation in the systems of artificial intelligence |
Career prospects | Specialist in production automation; Specialist in engineering of machine-building production (engineer, head of division); Leading engineer-technologist; Leading engineer-programmer of automated production; Engineer, specialist, head of division on automation of technological processes and productions |
15.04.06 Mechatronics and robotics (Naberezhnye Chelny Institute)
Name | 15.04.06 Mechatronics and robotics (Naberezhnye Chelny Institute) |
Level | Master |
Duration | 2 years |
Mode of study | Full-time |
Language of study | Russian |
Location | Naberezhnye Chelny Institute – Department of Information Technology and Energy Systems |
Description, major courses | The program is aimed at training highly qualified personnel for leading Russian and foreign companies in mechatronics and robotics. Serious fundamental training in mechatronics and robotics, artificial intelligence, modeling is combined with in-depth study of applied disciplines and active scientific and practical work of the student. During training students are involved in teaching and research work. The range of areas of educational research work offered to students is quite wide. Here and the development of various control systems of robotic systems, control systems with elements of artificial intelligence, computer and mathematical modeling of mechatronic and robotic systems and much more. The main disciplines of the specialization: Methods of artificial intelligence in mechatronics and robotics; Modeling mechatronic and robotic systems; Operation of mechatronic and robotic systems; Software for robotic systems; Design of robotic systems; Information systems in mechatronics and robotics; Modern methods of knowledge representation in artificial intelligence systems. |
Career prospects | Specialist in industrial automation (robotics); Chief scientist; Engineer, specialist, head of subdivision in the field of training |
15.04.02 Technological machines and equipment – Hydraulic machines, hydraulic drives and hydro-pneumo-automation (Naberezhnye Chelny Institute)
Name | 15.04.02 Technological machines and equipment – Hydraulic machines, hydraulic drives and hydro-pneumo-automation |
Level | Master |
Duration | 2 years |
Mode of study | Full-time |
Language of study | Russian |
Location | Naberezhnye Chelny Institute – Department of Information Technology and Energy Systems |
Description, major courses | The field of professional activity of masters in the direction of training 15.04.02 “Technological machinery and equipment” (“Hydraulic machines, hydraulic drives and hydropneumoautomatic”) includes pedagogical activity, as well as sections of science and technology containing a set of tools, techniques, methods and methods of human activity, aimed at creating competitive hydraulic machines, hydraulic drives and hydropneumoautomatic means and based on: the application of modern methods of design, calculation, mathematical, physical and chemical methods of operation of hydraulic equipment. Types of professional activities for which graduates who have mastered this HPE are prepared: research and pedagogical; design and development. The main disciplines of the specialization: 1. Computer technologies in mechanical engineering 2. Mathematical methods in engineering Similarity and dimension methods in mechanics 3. CAD of hydraulic machines and hydro-pneumatic automation 4. Working fluids and gases 5. Hydraulic drive of mobile objects 6. Hydrodynamics of unsteady flows 7. Control theory of technical systems 8. Automation of the hydraulics workplace 9. Modern problems of designing hydro-pneumatic systems Unsteady hydrodynamic effects in hydraulic systems 10. Special pumps 11. Dynamics and regulation of hydro-pneumatic systems 12. Compressors and pneumatic motors |
Career prospects | Examples of job titles and graduate positions: 1st category hydraulic engineer, 1st category design engineer, mechanical engineer at engineering enterprises, design and research organizations related to design, manufacturing, installation, operation, maintenance and repair of hydraulic and pneumatic equipment |
15.04.02 Technological machines and equipment – Machines and devices of food production (Naberezhnye Chelny Institute)
Name | 15.04.02 Technological machinery and equipment – Machines and devices of food production |
Level | Master |
Duration | 2 years |
Mode of study | Full-time |
Language of study | Russian |
Location | Naberezhnye Chelny Institute – Department of Information Technology and Energy Systems |
Description, major courses | The field of professional activity of masters in the direction of preparation 15.04.02 “Technological machinery and equipment” (“Machines and devices of food production”) includes pedagogical activity, and also sections of science and technology containing a set of means, receptions, ways and methods of human activity directed on creation of competitive machines and devices of food production and based on: application of modern methods of design, calculation, mathematical, physical and computer modeling; use of modern methods of calculation, mathematical, physical and computer modeling; use of modern methods of design. Types of professional activities for which graduates are prepared, mastering this HPE: research and pedagogical; design and development. Major disciplines of specialty: 1. Design of apparatuses and processes 2. Mathematical methods in engineering 3. Design of machines and units of food production 4. Reliability and diagnostics of technological systems 5. Lifting and transporting equipment 6. Ventilation, aspiration and air conditioning of industrial buildings of food industry 7. Control of food production 8. Fundamentals of drying techniques and technology 9. Automated systems of scientific research 10. Modern methods of physical research 11. Energy-saving thermal equipment and technologies of food production |
Career prospects | Examples of job titles and graduate positions: engineer-constructor of the 1st category, engineer-mechanic of the 1st category, engineer-technologist, engineer-mechanic at machine-building enterprises, in design and research organizations connected with design, manufacturing, installation, operation, maintenance and repair of food equipment, in particular: CJSC Chelny-bread; Agrosila-Moloko, Chelny-Broiler, OJSC Bulgarpivo, Kamsky-bacon, Naberezhnochelninsky bakery, CJSC Essen production, Chelny-Holod, etc. |
22.04.01 Materials science and technology of materials (Naberezhnye Chelny Institute)
Name | 22.04.01 Materials science and technology of materials |
Level | Master |
Duration | 2 |
Mode of study | Full-time |
Language of study | Russian |
Location | Naberezhnye Chelny Institute – Automobile Department |
Description, major courses | The training program in the direction 22.04.01 “Material Science and Technology of Materials” is aimed at meeting the needs of the regional and Russian market, having fundamental knowledge in the field of material science and technology of materials, fluent in foreign languages, having a wide range of professional abilities and skills, close to their future activities. Master’s degree in Material Science and Material Technology is directed to the following professional activities: research and calculation and analytic activity; production activity; design and technological activity; organizational and managerial activity. The activity of the graduate is aimed at research and development of materials for various purposes, as well as technological processes of production, processing, recycling of materials and coating. Disciplines: Materials science and technology of modern and advanced materials Practical basics of composite materials and coatings Introduction to physical chemistry of polymers Processing theory of structural and functional polymer materials for mechanical engineering Technological equipment and automation in manufacturing, processing and coating application Physical fundamentals of strength and fracture mechanics Methods of composite materials modification Basics of scientific research |
Career prospects | Manufacturing engineer Technology expert |
27.04.05 Innovation studies – Innovation technology and management of robotic systems (Institute of Engineering)
Name | 27.04.05 Innovation studies – Innovation technology and management of robotic systems (Institute of Engineering) |
Level | Master |
Duration | 2 |
Mode of study | Full-time |
Language of study | Russian |
Location | Kazan |
Major courses | Project management History and philosophy of innovation Innovation management Management of technological systems Intellectual property Digitization Industrial robotization Management of robotic systems Technical mechanics and mechatronics Industrial management Software for robotic systems |
Career prospects | Industrial management Robotization management Automation |
27.04.05 Innovation studies – Life cycle management in fuel and energy industry (Institute of Engineering)
Name | 27.04.05 Innovation studies – Life cycle management in fuel and energy industry (Institute of Engineering) |
Level | Master |
Duration | 2 |
Mode of study | Full-time |
Language of study | Russian |
Location | Kazan |
Major courses | Project management History and philosophy of innovation Innovation management Management of technological systems Intellectual property Strategic management in the energy industry Metrological expertise in the fuel and energy industry Technological optimization Technological basics of the fuel and energy industry Measuring equipment International standards in the energy industry Quality management in the fuel and energy industry |
Career prospects | Industrial management Metrology and certification in the fuel and energy industry Technological innovation in the fuel and energy industry |
27.04.05 Innovation studies – Metrology and certification (Institute of Engineering)
Name | 27.04.05 Innovation studies – Metrology and certification (Institute of Engineering) |
Level | Master |
Duration | 2 |
Mode of study | Full-time |
Language of study | Russian |
Location | Kazan |
Major courses | Project management History and philosophy of innovation Innovation management Management of technological systems Intellectual property Metrological evaluation of goods and services Strategic management Norm management, standardization, certification and metrological uniformity Technological basics of industrial production Prospective technologies of measurement, control and testing Standardization and certification of goods and services Automated supply meters |
Career prospects | Metrology and certification by industry Public service in metrology and standardization |
27.04.05 Innovation studies – Digital transformation of enterprises (Institute of Physics)
Name | 27.04.05 Innovation studies – Digital transformation of enterprises (Institute of Physics) |
Level | Master |
Duration | 2 |
Mode of study | Full-time |
Language of study | Russian |
Location | Kazan |
Major courses | Project management Digitization of processes History and philosophy of innovation Strategic management Systemic thinking Intellectual property Computer programming ERP/CRM Information security Internet of Things |
Career prospects | Business administration Management consulting |
12.04.04 Biotechnical systems and technologies – Medical and clinical equipment (Institute of Engineering)
Name | 12.04.04 Biotechnical systems and technologies – Medical and clinical equipment (Institute of Engineering) |
Level | Master |
Duration | 2 |
Mode of study | Full-time |
Language of study | Russian |
Location | Kazan |
Major courses | Management and legal regulation of healthcare Measurements and control in medicine Biomaterials and biomechanics Technical physics in medicine Surgical and prosthetic equipment Commercialization of medical goods and services Anesthetic equipment and ICU equipment Computed tomography Image processing Clinical trials and quality management in medical equipment |
Career prospects | Healthcare management Production of medical equipment and prosthetics Maintenance of medical equipment |
12.04.04 Biotechnical systems and technologies – Medical and biological devices, systems and complexes (Institute of Engineering)
Name | 12.04.04 Biotechnical systems and technologies – Medical and biological devices, systems and complexes (Institute of Engineering) |
Level | Master |
Duration | 2 |
Mode of study | Full-time |
Language of study | Russian |
Location | Kazan |
Major courses | Management and legal regulation of healthcare Surgical and prosthetic equipment Rehabilitation systems and technologies Comparative biochemistry of living systems Research and invention in medical and biological equipment Biotechnology of medical industry and food industry Repair and maintenance of medical equipment 3D modeling of equipment parts and electrical chains Safety and durability of medical equipment Compatibility of materials |
Career prospects | Healthcare management Production of medical equipment and prosthetics Maintenance of medical equipment |
16.04.01 Technical physics – Physics of plasma, heat energy and hydrogen energy (Institute of Engineering)
Name | 16.04.01 Technical physics – Physics of plasma, heat energy and hydrogen energy (Institute of Engineering) |
Level | Master |
Duration | 2 |
Mode of study | Full-time |
Language of study | Russian |
Location | Kazan |
Major courses | Plasma chemistry Technical diagnostics of mechanical parts, mechanisms and devices Physics of burning and physics of low temperature plasma Transport phenomena in plasma Theory of thermoacoustic gas oscillations Project management in science Methods of calculations of pulsating heat and mass transfer Shockwaves and detonation Vacuum technology |
Career prospects | Teaching and research Heat and plasma-related production engineering Industrial engineering |
21.04.03 Geodesy and remote sensing – Remote sensing (Institute of Physics)
Name | 21.04.03 Geodesy and remote sensing – Remote sensing (Institute of Physics) |
Level | Master |
Duration | 2 |
Mode of study | Full-time |
Language of study | Russian |
Location | Kazan |
Major courses | Project management Legal regulation of remote sensing Geo-information technology in remote sensing Gravimetry Drones in remote sensing Space navigation Photogrammetry Information processing Cartographic and geodesic production 3D modeling in geo-information |
Career prospects | Geodesy and remote sensing Cartography |
21.04.01 Petroleum industry – Technologies of petroleum, oil and natural bitumen (Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies)
Name | 21.04.01 Petroleum industry – Technologies of petroleum, oil and natural bitumen (Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies) |
Level | Master |
Duration | 2 |
Mode of study | Full-time |
Language of study | Russian |
Location | Kazan |
Major courses | Petroleum business Physical chemistry of hydrocarbons Fuel production and storage Technological systems of gas transport and storage Heavy oil refining Laboratory testing of oil and oil products Liquefied natural gas – production and engineering Hydrogen energy – production and engineering Computer modeling of hydrocarbon production Automation of technological processes Production processes and equipment of petroleum chemistry and gas chemistry Nonlinear wave mechanics Gasoline and fuel stations – design and engineering |
Career prospects | Oil refining and gas refining Industrial engineering in oil and gas industry Fuel transport and storage |
21.04.01 Petroleum industry – Petroleum engineering (Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies)
Name | 21.04.01 Petroleum industry – Petroleum engineering (Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies) |
Level | Master |
Duration | 2 |
Mode of study | Full-time |
Language of study | English |
Location | Kazan |
Major courses | Economics of hydrocarbon industry Physical chemistry of hydrocarbons Hydrodynamic research of wells Geophysical research in hydrocarbon industry Regional geology Geological modeling Enhanced oil production Fluid dynamics Wave and impulse techniques of well studies Petrophysical research and data processing Geomechanics and geomechanical modeling |
Career prospects | Oil production and gas production Geological engineering |
21.04.01 Petroleum industry – Development of non-traditional and heavy hydrocarbons (Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies)
Name | 21.04.01 Petroleum industry – Development of non-traditional and heavy hydrocarbons (Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies) |
Level | Master |
Duration | 2 |
Mode of study | Full-time |
Language of study | Russian |
Location | Kazan |
Major courses | Petroleum business Physical chemistry of hydrocarbons Hydrodynamic modeling Hydrocarbon geology Geophysical research of wells Complex research of layer fluids Horizontal drilling Geochemical and geophysical modeling Offshore oil |
Career prospects | Development of heavy oil deposits Geological engineering |
21.04.01 Petroleum industry – Integrated modeling of deposits (Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies)
Name | 21.04.01 Petroleum industry – Integrated modeling of deposits (Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies) |
Level | Master |
Duration | 2 |
Mode of study | Full-time |
Language of study | Russian |
Location | Kazan |
Major courses | Basics of hydrocarbon modeling Physical chemistry of hydrocarbons Hydrocarbon geology Analysis of sedimentation basins Petrophysics and geomechanics Enhanced oil production Heavy oil deposits Geochemical modeling Offshore oil Geographical information systems |
Career prospects | Development of deposits Surveying Computer modeling |