Rector Lenar Safin tours Cairo Branch facilities
Structural disorder found to amplify photoluminescence and electronic Raman scattering
The Institute of Physics offers technology for creating a flexible high-temperature superconductor based on magnesium diboride
Acting Director of the Institute of International Relations, History and Eastern Studies Rail Fakhrutdinov contributing to 6th Theological Heritage of Russian Muslims Forum in Bolgar Islamic Academy
Scientists give opinions on the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics
Rector Lenar Safin: “Opening a branch in Egypt is another step in fulfilling the University’s mission”
KFU scientist comments on the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Rector Lenar Safin elected President of the Association of Asian Universities
Physicists propose a new analytical expression for calculating the viscosity of crude oil
Memorial plaque to famous Russian sinologist Palladius installed at KFU
Ak Bars Kazan and Amur Khabarovsk play The Academic Game in honor of KFU’s anniversary
Institute of Chemistry celebrates 95th anniversary
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